uploads/general officer.jpg

general officer 將級軍官。

general order

It was that of a man , from five to eight and thirty , in the uniform of a general officer , wearing the double epaulet of heavy bullion , that indicates superior rank , the ribbon of the legion of honor around his neck , which showed he was a commander , and on the right breast , the star of a grand officer of the order of the saviour , and on the left that of the grand cross of charles iii . , which proved that the person represented by the picture had served in the wars of greece and spain , or , what was just the same thing as regarded decorations , had fulfilled some diplomatic mission in the two countries 畫上是一個男人,年在三十五到三十八歲之間,身穿一套軍官制服,佩戴著金銀雙重肩章,由此可見官銜很高他的脖子上掛著榮譽軍團的緞帶,表明他曾當過司令官在胸部,右面掛著一枚武將榮譽勛章,左面掛的是一枚查理三世的大十字勛章,這說明畫上的這個人曾參加過希臘和西班牙的戰爭,或曾在那兩國完成過某項外交使命,所以才得到了這個勛章。

A general staff is a group of officers in a military who act in a staff or administrative role under the command of a general officer ( sometimes termed a chief of staff ) 參謀部是指由職業軍官所組成的群體,在指揮官(有時為參謀長)手下擔負行政管理或作戰策劃使命

So it ' s hard for somebody that ' s a general officer today to think about doing things in a very different way 對于今天的某些高級軍官來說,要他們考慮以不同的方式做事是困難的。

Wire connection fluctuation wire pair transfer or a general officer power down behind contraposition motor line 接線盤上下行線對調或將電源關閉后對調馬達線

A general officer utmost shan wheel area low speed chiang minus shan gauge away transfer long 請將極限單輪輿低速強減單輪距離調長

Corporate support officer general officer 行政輔助員總辦事處

A general officer fluctuation photoelectric wire connection contraposition 將上下光電接線對調

Test bring off article , already a general officer protrusion 測試完成既將推出的產品

50 hereinbefore console panels a general officers disuses 以上控制盤將停止使用